• Category Archives Information
  • 1 Way to make money as broadcaster.

    Contest Header

    EASY MONEY! Each month, Chaturbate gives $11,000+ in prize money!

    Every hour, Chaturbate will be awarding a $10 prize to the top cam, and $5 to the 2nd place cam, known as “Win $11,000+” contest.

    While the other sites only allow any single person to win a maximum of $2,000 per month, at Chaturbate, we award over $11,000 in prizes! Also, the other sites only allow up to 16 winners in any given month. Chaturbate spreads the love and we award prizes to HUNDREDS OF WINNERS each month. This keeps the contest exciting and flexible and this allows you to make as much $$$ as you want.

  • How to get Visitors

    Where are the visitors?!?

    Everyone uses one of the top 5 search engines. Google, Yahoo, MSN, ASk.com, or Aol.com, but as a little known fact amongst those new to the game, is that your site doesn’t just end up there magically. If you wait for the search engines to rank your site, you’re going to be out of business long before that happens. Besides, you ever do a search on google for porn?

    As of this article, there are 226,000,000 results for the word porn. Granted, you’ll have a more niche market and content, but generally you’re going to have to do some work to get your website in front of potential visitors. We’ll have many articles on various subjects for you to reaed, but this is a general overview of the different types of advertising that you can do for your products or services.

    1. Optimize your website so that the search engines will pick up on it naturally. You’ll want to strive to be on the first 2 pages of results. To jus tget on the search engines, it could take 3-6 months, and there is no guarantee of where you will show up.
    2. List yourself on various directories. This website is a great resource for how to get your site on directories and to share your link.
    3. The single best way for you to get traffic is to pay for advertising. This very website pays its entire staff and the bills by offering ads on select pages, and you bette rbelieve that if these ads didn’t bring traffic to the respective sponsors, that they would not advertise here. You can advertise on many different websites but you’ll want to research the amount of traffic that they get and how many prospective vistors will see your ad. Don’t worry about designing the graphic for your ad because sites will typicall offer that service for free or an additional cost.
    4. Do what we do. Create content, create a blog, do anything that gives people a reason to visit your site besides the images and videos you have. A popular tactic is to post samples of free images on your blog and that would entice ppl to sign up.
    5. Thumbnail Gallery Post (TGP) employ a variety of schemes to trade traffic with other TGPs; signing up for these trades is usually easy and free for other TGP owners. Perhaps the most basic trade is to link to other TGP sites. In a a nutshell, you provide free galleries of your content to share on these TGP websites, they will utilize your gallery page, which will contain a link to your site. This is a very effective way of getting traffic.

    Getting traffic to your website is a lengthy process and will not happen overnight. You will need to employ all of the tactics mentioned and be creative. Keep with it and before you know it you’ll have a steady stream of traffic.

    Where are the visitors?!?

    Everyone uses one of the top 5 search engines. Google, Yahoo, MSN, ASk.com , or Aol.com, but a little known fact amongst those new to the game, is that your site doesn’t just end up there magically. If you wait for the search engines to rank your site, you’re going to be out of business long before that happens. Besides, you ever do a search on google for porn?

    As of this article, there are 226,000,000 results for the word porn. Granted, you’ll have a more niche market and content, but generally you’re going to have to do some work to get your website in front of potential visitors. We’ll have many articles on various subjects for you to reaed, but this is a general overview of the different types of advertising that you can do for your products or services.

    1. Optimize your website so that the search engines will pick up on it naturally. You’ll want to strive to be on the first 2 pages of results. To jus tget on the search engines, it could take 3-6 months, and there is no guarantee of where you will show up.
    2. List yourself on various directories. This website is a great resource for how to get your site on directories and to share your link.
    3. The single best way for you to get traffic is to pay for advertising. This very website pays its entire staff and the bills by offering ads on select pages, and you bette rbelieve that if these ads didn’t bring traffic to the respective sponsors, that they would not advertise here. You can advertise on many different websites but you’ll want to research the amount of traffic that they get and how many prospective vistors will see your ad. Don’t worry about designing the graphic for your ad because sites will typicall offer that service for free or an additional cost.
    4. Do what we do. Create content, create a blog, do anything that gives people a reason to visit your site besides the images and videos you have. A popular tactic is to post samples of free images on your blog and that would entice ppl to sign up.
    5. Thumbnail Gallery Post (TGP) employ a variety of schemes to trade traffic with other TGPs; signing up for these trades is usually easy and free for other TGP owners. Perhaps the most basic trade is to link to other TGP sites. In a a nutshell, you provide free galleries of your content to share on these TGP websites, they will utilize your gallery page, which will contain a link to your site. This is a very effective way of getting traffic.

    Getting traffic to your website is a lengthy process and will not happen overnight. You will need to employ all of the tactics mentioned and be creative. Keep with it and before you know it you’ll have a steady stream of traffic.

  • How Affiliate Marketing Works

    Affiliate marketing is quite simply one of the most powerful ways to generate an income online. Regardless of your niche, the upside with affiliate marketing is nearly limitless if you go about it the right way!

    Part of the beauty of affiliate marketing is you don’t have to invest time in creating the products that will be serving your audience—because, guess what? Those products likely already exist. Because of that, affiliate marketing is an opportunity anyone can take advantage of, and it’s easy to get started.

    But before we explore the many ways affiliate marketing can do wonders for you and your business, we first need to understand what affiliate marketing is. By laying that groundwork, you’ll be making the right moves toward doing affiliate marketing right—in a way that truly serves your audience.

    Affiliate marketing is all around us—and you’ve probably been involved in affiliate marketing without realizing it! If you’ve ever clicked on a link in a blog post to a product or service being offered on another website, there’s a good chance the owner of the website where you originally clicked the link received a commission from your purchase.

    Yes, affiliate marketing is everywhere—but here’s the thing: few people understand how to take full advantage of it. In fact, I believe affiliate marketing is the world’s most untapped source for generating passive income! It’s a beautiful process that’s completely underutilized, and I’m excited to share with you exactly how it all works.

  • What Is Affiliate Marketing?

    For the newbies out there, what exactly is affiliate marketing?

    Quite simply, affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people’s (or company’s) products. You find a product you like, promote it to others, and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make.

    In essence, you’re generating an income by sharing, recommending, and promoting another company’s or person’s product or service.

    In other words, when you help another company generate sales, you get a cut!

    Perhaps the best part is, you don’t have to create your own product, because someone else has already done the hard work. That’s the beauty of affiliate marketing: that you don’t have to invest the time and effort to create something to sell. You can begin making money as an affiliate as soon as you have a platform to sell products.

    All you have to do is send traffic through a link to that product, and everything after that is out of your hands . . . right?

    I say “all you have to do,” but of course there’s more to it than that—much, much more.

    Like many things, it’s relatively easy to get started with affiliate marketing, but more challenging to succeed.

    Don’t get me wrong—when done the right way, affiliate marketing can be a huge difference maker. But doing it right requires work and a smart strategy—and it especially means not putting the desire for short-term gain over the needs of your audience.

    We’ll talk more about all that in a second. But first, a little bit about how affiliate marketing has been such a crucial piece of my own business success—and what the right mindset has to do with affiliate marketing the right way.

    Successful Affiliate Marketing Is About Mindset

    Affiliate marketing is something I’ve been involved in ever since 1999 on my very first website. On that site, a directory-related website, I promoted an exam software product that has generated more than $500,000 in commissions over the years.

    Since then, I’ve branched out and diversified my affiliate income sources. But much more than that—I’ve made affiliate marketing a cornerstone of my business strategy and my biggest single source of revenue.