Affiliate marketing is quite simply one of the most powerful ways to generate an income online. Regardless of your niche, the upside with affiliate marketing is nearly limitless if you go about it the right way!
Part of the beauty of affiliate marketing is you don’t have to invest time in creating the products that will be serving your audience—because, guess what? Those products likely already exist. Because of that, affiliate marketing is an opportunity anyone can take advantage of, and it’s easy to get started.
But before we explore the many ways affiliate marketing can do wonders for you and your business, we first need to understand what affiliate marketing is. By laying that groundwork, you’ll be making the right moves toward doing affiliate marketing right—in a way that truly serves your audience.
Affiliate marketing is all around us—and you’ve probably been involved in affiliate marketing without realizing it! If you’ve ever clicked on a link in a blog post to a product or service being offered on another website, there’s a good chance the owner of the website where you originally clicked the link received a commission from your purchase.
Yes, affiliate marketing is everywhere—but here’s the thing: few people understand how to take full advantage of it. In fact, I believe affiliate marketing is the world’s most untapped source for generating passive income! It’s a beautiful process that’s completely underutilized, and I’m excited to share with you exactly how it all works.